Today with Des and Mel - Season 1 : Episode 140


    Today with Des and Mel was a British television series hosted by Des O'Connor and Melanie Sykes. The show featured celebrity guests, phone-in competitions and chat between the hosts. It was produced by Carlton Television, at The London Studios. The show was previously produced at Teddington Studios for the first series. Today with Des and Mel was loosely based on the format of the popular American television show, Live with Regis and Kelly. At one stage, the show was given the green light for an evening version to be made. For a short time in January 2005, the show appeared in a 5 p.m. slot, but this was soon dropped, and a full prime-time version never came about. ITV announced on 12 May 2006, that the show had been axed.

    Season 1 Episodes


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